Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance
Bernhardt Design

Built with detailed craftsmanship in the carpentry structure and upholstery, Catherine’s design has a classic frame and yet it is offset by the contemporary wood curb which becomes the signature of this comfortable and distinguished piece.


Monk combines the Buddhist tradition with French craftsmanship in an object of wonder and mystery. Its shape is inspired by the bowls of the Tibetan monks, as is the use of copper to line the interior. Just as the Tibetan bowls would make a sound to induce meditation, the light in Monk reverberates on the sheet copper.

Bernhardt Design

Chiara was conceived as a simple chair and with a line almost fading away. Its shape and form are as discreet and well-proportioned as a piece of sculpture.

Marcel by

Bamby questions the visual perception of furniture. Face on, it’s a classical chair with a solid wood structure firmly planted on the ground; from a different viewpoint, Bamby reveals a slender and ethereal profile with its tilted rear feet which suspend the seat in the air: just like a leaf delicately placed on a dynamic structure.